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Human Factor Consulting



Welcome to
Human Factor Consulting


Become a “Positive Influence” for

  • Personal Growth
  • Human Performance
  • Team Leadership

Meet Dr. Don Jorgensen

Founder of Jorgensen Healthcare Associates and Human Factor Consulting, Dr. Don Jorgensen has had the privilege to work with thousands of business and government leaders, professionals, and growth-minded individuals across the globe for over three decades.

As a veteran keynote speaker and consultant Don is known for his humor and engaging, straight-forward style. Don has been interviewed by media in the US, Europe, and Asia on team leadership and workplace behavioral health.

Don has authored books and articles on organizational relevance, managing change, addictions, and global travel. His “EAP Buyers Guide” has been adopted for use worldwide. Don has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the international Employee Assistance Professionals Association, and was twice honored with the “President’s Volunteer Service Award” from the White House in recognition of his work on behalf of Shelterbox USA, a global disaster relief organization. 



3 Reasons Why Don Jorgensen Should Be Your Next Speaker:

  1. Dr. Jorgensen engages and educates the audience in an entertaining fashion, whether on stage or in a training seminar. 
  2. Don has delivered programs for international conventions, corporate retreats, and customized onsite presentations. Frequently requested topics include The Power of Positive Leadership, Action This Day: How to Stay Relevant & Make An Impact, and He Said, She Said: Bridging the Gender Communication Gap.
  3. Never a “one-size fits all” motivational message, Don’s talks are constantly updated, timely, and responsive to your audience needs and interests.


With over 25 years helping organizations improve workplaces and human dynamics to manage change, lead teams and act strategically, Don helps bring out the best in leaders and organizations around the globe.

Don Jorgensen offers a special selection of seminars that enhance effective communication and team building for service organizations, NPOs, and small businesses. Whether Don is giving a speech and leading a workshop, participants leave the session energized with knowledge and techniques they can use immediately.


Dr. Don Jorgensen offers a “positive influence” approach to targeted strategic planning, leadership skills, and conflict management for service organizations, non-profits and associations. Don brings his understanding of human dynamics to improve effective “soft skills” of leaders and organizations. 


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We'd love to start a conversation.